Skip to content #2 - Kotlin & Cloud & Scala

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Tomasz Godzik

Software Developer at VirtusLab, Metals Maintainer

Raul Raja Martinez

CTO & Co-founder at 47 Degrees, Arrow Maintainer

Jon Pretty

CEO at Propensive

Sean Walsh

Field CTO and Cloud Evangelist at Lightbend

Yan Cui

AWS Serverless Hero and the author of Production-Ready Serverless

Marcin Moskala

Founder of the Kt. Academy

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Booths Conference

Join Conference attracting developers and technology enthusiasts all over the globe, with hundreds of participants, great workshops and world-class speakers.


Modern business relies on software. We create & engineer the best one.

Lightbend, Inc.

Leading the enterprise transformation toward real-time, cloud-native applications based on Akka.

Kt. Academy

Kt. Academy offers a variety of Kotlin workshops for developers who want to move from Java to Kotlin or who want to polish their Kotlin skills.